Download Architectural Improvement By-Laws

This document lists the procedures for property improvements, additions and/or alterations. The procedures set forth are to be followed when a homeowner wants to construct a certain addition, improvement, and/or alteration to their property as stated in the Covenants.

Approval of the Architectural Committee is not needed for such items as landscaping, painting, roofing color, or maintenance and general upkeep.


Download Architectural Improvement Application Form

Plans and specifications of all improvements must be submitted and attached to the application and show location and dimensions.

Submit the application either by hand delivery or by registered letter (to one of the committee members). Plans and specifications of all improvements must be submitted and attached to the application to show location and dimensions. A copy of the application and the plans and specifications must also be submitted to the President of the Association.

Architectural Committee

The Architectural Committee of the Ishnala Estates Homeowner’s Association shall consist of three (3) Association Members appointed by the Board of Directors. Current members are listed on this page.