About IEHA

Ishnala Estates is a 51 homesite subdivision on Deep Lake in Lake Villa, Illinois.

Since 1978, the Ishnala Estates Homeowners Association has been dedicated to preserving and maintaining the community properties within the Ishnala Estates subdivision.


Lake Stats

  • Max Depth: 48 Feet
  • Size: 200 Acres
  • Fish Varieties: Black Crappie, Bluegill, Perch, Carp, Large Mouth Bass, Northern Pike
  • Activites: Fishing, Water Skiing, Tubing, Wake Boarding, Sailing, Canoeing, Swimming, Ice Skating



The village of Lake Villa lies in a gently rolling moraine landscape, dominated by lakes of glacial origin, including Deep Lake. The Ishnala Estates subdivision sits off the western shoreline of Deep Lake.

The lake lies only 50 miles north of the Chicago Loop and just five miles east of the Fox River Chain of Lakes.



A lake is a landscape’s most beautiful and expressive feature. It is Earth’s eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature.
— Henry David Thoreau